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バンクーバー神輿の会「楽一」も 20週年を迎えます。 今年はサーモンフェスティバル、 パウエル祭、日系祭りにも参加します。 神輿の担ぎ手が必要ですので皆さんも声がけ宜しくお願いします。
7月1日リッチモンド、スティーブストンでの サーモンフェスティバルでは山車も出ますので家族でのご参加も可能です。参加費用:20ドル(オリジナルT シャツ、日本からの手ぬぐい、手作り喧嘩札付)

参加注意事項:安全の為、参加者はサンダル禁止、運動靴での参加をお願いしています。 サーモンフェスティバルでは、山車が出るので その際の注意事項として お子さんの参加に関しては、主催者側から通達が来ており下記の条件を満たすお子様の参加が可能となります。約1.6 kmの全行程を独自で歩けることパレードにふさわしい衣装(半纏や法被、甚平、浴衣…)を着用し靴を履いていること(楽一Tシャツを着用の場合は普段着でも可) 注:ベビーカーやストローラでの参加は不可以上ですが、安全上問題と判断され参加できない場合もありますのでその点をご考慮の上ご参加ください。

The Vancouver Mikoshi "Rakuichi" celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. We will be participating in the Salmon Festival, Powell Street Festival, and the Nikkei Matsuri Festival. We need carriers for the mikoshi, so please kindly spread the word.

On July 1st, at the Salmon Festival in Richmond, Steveston, there will be a float (dashi), so families can also participate.

Participation fee: $20, cash only (Comes with an original T-shirt, hand towel from Japan, handmade wooden accessory)

Important notes for participants:

For safety reasons, participants are prohibited from wearing sandals and must participate in wearing athletic shoes. At the Salmon Festival, there will be a float (dashi), and regarding the participation of children, the organizers have provided the following conditions for children to participate:

- They must be able to walk the entire distance of approximately 1.6km on their own.

- They must be dressed in appropriate attire for the parade (such as Japanese hanten, happi, jinbei or yukata) and wearing a runner. (If wearing the Rakuichi T-shirt, casual clothing is acceptable).

Note: Participation with baby strollers is not allowed for safety reasons.

Nikkei Matsuri, one of Canada's largest authentic and family-friendly Japanese festivals, returns to Nikkei Centre this summer! Vancouver Rakuichi member will be at the festival both event days on Sept. 3rd and 4th. We are looking for Volunteers to carry the both the large and smaller Mikoshi this year. Event details will be updated on the Nikkei Matsuri website shortly. Stay tuned and hope to see you there!

先般、新型コロナウィルスの影響でサーモン・フェスティバルの中止がアナウンスされた事を受け、神輿担ぎがキャンセルとなりました。 恒例となりましたパレードでの神輿担ぎを楽しみにされていた皆様には、何卒ご理解いただきたいと思います。 今後も予定されております各お祭りでの神輿担ぎ開催を見合わせるケースが予想されます事を、ご理解くださいますようお願い申し上げます。 今後とも晩香坡 神輿の会 楽一のサポートを宜しくお願い申し上げます。 Announcement from Rakuichi Vancouver: We hope everyone is doing well during this unexpected social isolation time due to COVID19.

Because of the cancellation of Salmon Festival due to COVID19 pandemic, we make an announcement that Rakuichi will not carry Mikoshi at the Salmon Festival. We are sorry to inform this news to friends who always attend and support our Mikoshi event at Salmon Festival.  Addition to that, we are still planning to attend both Powell Festival and Nikki Festival but we may have to cancel depending on the city's COVID19 response to the events.

We thank you all for understanding and continuous support for Rakuichi Vancouver. Best regards, Rakuichi Vancouver 晩香坡 神輿の会  楽一

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