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Canada Day Event

Mark your dates!

Celebrate Canada Day Parade on July 2nd in Downtown Vacouver.

Canada Day Parade Downtown

Join us at the Canada Day Parade!

The Vancouver Mikoshi “Rakuichi” Group would like to express our sincere appreciation for those attending to Celebrate the 150th anniversary of Canada held in Downtown Vancouver and joining us to carry the Mikoshi.

Parade Date and Time

This year the downtown parade will be held on July 2, 2017 (Sun). The parade will start at 5 pm but we recommend everyone to be on site at 3:30 pm. We will post details regarding accurate time and location at later date. Please visit our website for updated information at

For your information, the basic details for the parade are as follows:

Parade Start: 5:00 p.m. (start location Broughton Street on W. Georgia Street)

Parade Route: Eastbound from Broughton/Georgia Streets to Burrard St, left on Burrard to W.Pender St

End of Parade: Burrard St at W. Pender St.

IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM THE EVENT ORGANIZER: Child Strollers & Carriages will NOT be allowed in the parade. This is a professional parade – all participants must be able to walk the entire parade route, with exception to those with disabilities and have assistants. All participants, chaperones, association and community leaders, etc. that will be in the parade must be in costume or in matching attire that supports the theme of your groups entry. If participants do not meet with event producers expectations they will not be allowed to walk in the parade.

We will also update the information on Facebook at Vancouver Mikoshi Rakuichi. Please feel free to contact us with any questions by emailing at

Vancouver Mikoshi no Kai “Rakuichi”

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